
Date : 09/03/2011
Time : 06:15 a.m


I wake up early in the morning. Preparing to go to school. Brushed my teeth, take a bath and have my breakfast, all done. 06:06 a.m waiting for my brother wake up and send me to school at hall while singing and listening to TEEN TOP song, Supa Luv. Then my mom came out from her bedroom with my dad with their baju kurung and work uniform. Suddenly my mom asked me, 

Mom : would you like to spend your holiday in Incheon, Korea ?
Eyppi : I want ! I want ! I would love to ! I wanna go ! (with my happy and excited face)
Dad : korea ? good idea !
Mom : okay then.

Suddenly my brother came down from upstairs.

Brother : bukan ke korea nak perang ?
Mom and Dad : ouh, almost forget.
Eyppi : hmm (i wanna cry already) D;
Mom : how about Pulau Pinang ?
Eyppi : ...... (ignoring my mom with my faces)
Eyppi : brother ! come on. I'll be late to school.
Brother : let's go now.

Damn, I really wanna go to korea ! Now, I don't have any mood to facing my mom and dad. Hmm. What can i do ? just follow wherever they plan to go to. Hope, I'll get there for the next holiday. Haish~

SS501 in Incheon, Korea.

Date : 08/03/2011
Time : 07:43 a.m

BUGS = = "

Ouh damn, today exam is Basic Economic and Geographical ! As usual, 05:45 a.m wake up, get ready for school and today paper. Take a bath and blaa blaa blaa. 6:45 a.m bangun kan abang !

Eyppi : abang wake up ! send me to school ! it's raining.
Abang : haahhh ~ (still sleeping)
Eyppi : hoi ! wake up ! (punched his chest slowly) = = "
Abang : sabarlah, nak bangun laa ni.
Eyppi : make it fast !

Then sampai skola macam biasa, duduk ngan pyka. Nampak pyka study for today paper. Dalam hati aku, "Kenapa pyka study? Baru nak sembang. Nak study juga lah." keluarkan buku dalam beg, letak atas meja. (*Pekk ! bunyi buku di letak) Study study study study, tetibe pyka cakap:

Pyka : nak beli nugget la.
Eyppi : nak ikut !

After beli, duduk makan. Suddenly Ikhwan datang.

Eyppi : naik motor ke ?
Ikhwan : tak, mak aku hantar.
Eyppi : ouh ~

Then, datanglah Isti and Shahira. I was like, aduhh ! why dorang datang. Bising laa! haish ~ haha. They started, dorang punya cite. Cekk cekk cekk bunyi dorang cite tak berhenti-henti. Nak aje aku tanye, korang makan ape sampai tak berhenti cakap ? haha XD tak ade peluang pulaa nak tanye. Kriiinggg ! The bell is ringing. Jalan perlahan-lahan masuk class. Get in the class, sitting under the fan. Then continue listening to their story. After a few minutes, I saw something flying at the ceiling. Ouh damn,  it's a bee ! Then the bee fly to the fan and came down to me. I jumped and almost go under the table ! It's too embarrassing. A boy afraid of bugs ! haha ^^" then I just act cool and act like nothing happen. lol. I decide to continue listening to Isti and Shahira story again. 5 minute before the examination started, teacher asked all the student to get ready for sitting for today paper. Teacher gives the exam paper. All the student was like, ape bande nii ?! tak faham aku! Muke dorang abis tension aje. haha. If can, aku nak aje koyak-koyak kertas exam tu. But I can't ~


Date : 14/04/2011
Time : 03:17 p.m


So, this is what I really love to do. Having fun of course. You guys must try it O.O <-- with my serious face. haha xD All this pictures was taken on 27/03/2011, sunday around 07:40 p.m and above. Lol ~

The best night ever ! My friends and I having fun on The Mask Night. We all dance like a drunk people. haha ! Even those ladies are wearing high heels but they keep on dancing on that night. Lol. We all dance, but one of my friend not really know how to dance and having fun, then she just jump here and there and just show her dance move even it's look like aunty who were dancing while jogging. haha xD "nice one babe !"
After the music has stopped, we all looked at each other and smile. Then one of us said that don't want to attend for tomorrow schooling. We all agreed with that. On the next day, everyone online their own FB, then we chat and still talking about The Mask Night. And then, on the next day, again, I arrived to school and saw pyka (apple), sitting and waiting for the others, then I just smile and laugh while thinking about that awesome night. Then, Isti, Shira, Eyka, Ewan, Wana arrived. We all keep on talking about that crazy night and laughing even, during recess. haha xD It's totally crazy dude ^^,


Date : 14/05/2011
Time : 03:15 p.m


Cool ~ this is originally cheerleading coming from my school, SMK Kepong. 27/02/2011 is the date, my first performance and my first competition. It's really fun joining this team. Form 1, I just heard about cheerleader of my school only. On that time, my respond when heard people talking about this team, I was like, "oh really ? cool~ "At the first, my friend and I just be supporter for this team. Then after watch their performance at Cheerleading Competition 2010, Silky Girl. I started wanna join. Then my friend asked me,

Apple and Eyka : Eyppi do you wanna join cheer ?
Eyppi : what ?! cheer ?! are you sure you are asking me this question or
           I wrongly hear your question ? * something like that *
Apple and Eyka  : Yaa eyppi. We want to join. How about you ?
Eyppi : hmmm, * thinking that think this * okay then.
Apple and Eyka : great ! * smiling at me *

Then we all tried to find way how to join this team. A lot of thing that we thinking about. I asked one of the cheerleader. She said that I should ask and find captain of zdc all boys. I scared at the beginning. Then after I added the captain FB. I asked him a lots of question. Then he said that I can join his team. Oh ! damn. I'm so happy on that time and until now. My first competition was so awesome. ZDC All Boys won the Sorak HMetro, first place. Before the competition started, I really scared that I did wrong on my first competition. I keep on memorise the whole step and counting. One of my team asked me, whether I'm scared or not. Then I just said, nope. Even my legs was shaking on that time. LOL ^^, My classmate asked me,

Someone : Eyppi, do you know how to speak chinese ?
Eyppi : huh ? why are you asking this type of question ?
Someone : I saw you attending cheerleading practice.
( And then I was like, What The ......  How they know about this ? I run away every time I saw them walking around at school. I don't want they to know that I'm joining this team) 
Eyppi : hahaha ^^" I just know a few words only. They using English every time I'm attending practice. So, I can understand. If they using chinese, I just know a bit only, what are they talking about.
Someone : Oooohh ~ Good luck.
Eyppi : Oh ! thanks.

Whatever it is, I'm really happy attending the practice. I want to have fun and enjoying my last year with them. " Guys! Thanks for everything. You make me smile every time we having a practice together. Jia You ! We can win all the competition "


Zodiac All Boys going to the final for S.O.X (School Of Xpax) We joined this competition last minutes. We only practiced 2 day before the competition. On friday, evening, I slept in my room, then suddenly captain zdc all boys, Tan Kin Aik, called me,

Captain Kin : Eyppi, do you want to join s.o.x competition ?
" huh ?! the competition on this sunday, 2 days left. Am I dreaming now ? "
Eyppi : hmm, sure why not.
Captain Kin : Okay. Thanks ! We are having a practice tonight.

At that night, Zodiac All Boys and Zodiac All Star team having a practice together. All Boys learn a new step and All Star keep on  fixing their step and make the movement more sharper. I started worried about All Boys dance, because we all having a practice until 11 p.m. When I reach home, I keep on practicing until 12 p.m, then I went to sleep. On the next day, Saturday, 6 a.m we gather at school. But, I came late on that morning. Around 7 a.m, we has arrived at the competition held. We all having a ' great day ', divided into a group. Having a lot of ' cool stuff ', that the organizers prepared all the activities of the participants. When the activities started, Yap Suling, Tori, Terrence and I run away from our group, because our group activities are bored to us. Then we go and find the other group that our members joined. Finally we found that group, then we get into and joined the group. After all the activities finished, it's time to go home. On the next day, Sunday, we gather again at the same time and place. Has arrived at the competition held, we all still practicing and fixing our step and movement. Then, get ready for the competition. DOOOMM !! We, Zodiac All Boys and Zodiac All Star are going to the final. 



Hopefully we can win the competition ^^,