Buddy !

Hey, welcome to my Buddy page. They are awesome ! They are funny ! They are someone that never be replace ! Guys thanks for everything wey  ! Really appreciate it ! haha XD

Pyka (Apple) =)

This is pyka. But people call her Apple. The best thing about her is, dia punya gelak memang tak boleh bela. haha XD Dia caring with orang yang berada di sekeliling dia. She's so nice. Memang tak sombong langsung, thats for sure. Very sensitive person. Hey reader, you better be careful with what you're going to say to her. She won't let you know when and why she hate you and love you. Btw pyka, thanks for be my friend and thanks for everything =)

Eyka ^^

This is eyka. She loves to play volleyball. Captain volleyball for my school. She's kinda funny sometime. The best thing about her is, play volleyball with her, of course. She's very sensitive when people look at her and talk about her. She's won't follow any rules. And hate copycat. Hey eyka, thanks for everything. Call me if you want to play volleyball ! haha lol.

Asyraff Adam =..=

This is Asyraff Adam. Mix blood, korea plus malay. Woow ! so many things to describe about this funny guy. Hmm, where can i start ? Okay, Adam nii memang sangat sangat and tersangat lawak! There's no one can be like him. That's for sure. Hahaha ! Nak lawan lawak and sengal Adam nii memang tak boleh laa kan. Sampai aku punn speechless. Seriously ! Lawak Adam nii memang tak ada expired date ! Hahaha ~ Not like other people, make joke but there's nothing to laugh about ! But not Adam. He's really damn so nice and always give a good advice and it's really useful. He's definitely not arrogant. 101 % for sure. "Hey big brother, thanks for be my friend, thanks for those advice and really thanks for lawak Adam yang memang tak ada expired date tuu, it's really work"

Ikhwan Fahmi =P

This is Ikhwan Fahmi Bin Raini ! Haha ! Amek kau full name lagi. LoL! Sometimes, he's kinda annoying and sometimes also he's too funny. Hahaa ! This guy are too ' manja ', with his mother. If dia minta something from his mother, confirm mak dia akan belikan untuk dia. Budak manja betul ! Haha xD Badan dia size S but, perut dia size XXXXL ! He loves to eat. During recess, he will take about 3 or 4 types of food. Sometimes he will add his meal 2 times a day. Hahaha ! Dia memang kuat makan. "Badan kau kecil Ikhwan, tapi kau punya perut macam 5 kali besar gajah..." LOL ~ Dia pandai main guitar. He promised me to teach me how to play guitar form last year (2010) ! " Ikwan, aku dah beli guitar from last year lagi wey. Aku tunggu kau ajar aku main guitar, sampai guitar aku berhabuk Ikhwan " Haish =.=' Btw, thanks for everything and thanks for be my friend, even kau janji aja lebih, aku akan tunggu kau merangkak pergi kat aku and teach me to play guitar ! Haha.

Yee Ling =D

So, this is Yee Ling. Smile smile smile and smile is her hobby. Haha ! She's kinda cute with her smile (--,") Haha. Lol ~ She love to smile at me and always make my day bright, again with her smile ! She's so nice and damn to sweet to be a friend. She's love to play around. Yee Ling, thanks for be my friend and thanks for make my day bright ! Really appreciate it.

Sin Yee xD

Nahh, this is Sin Yee, the one who always ask me to go out with her, skating <3 yeah ! haha xD Sin Yee, later if you ask me again, definitely I'll say yes ! And maybe I will ask shifa to go out with us too. If you are willing to go out with her. Sure it will be fun ! Trust me Sin Yee ^^, haha xD *sorry shifa*
" Hey skating girl, thanks for asked me to go out with you and thanks for make my life full of your skating skills " ^^,

Others Buddy 

Wilson ^.^

Eunice ^.^

Yang Ling ^.^

Jesslynn ^.^